StackOverflow and Google searches are unlikely to be good indicators. They represent what people are looking for, ignoring what causes people to search for answers. Perhaps rails, and ruby, just have great documentation while Typescript is more difficult to onboard on?
Hi Martin thanks for you comment. I like your point, as a Ruby developer myself (been working with Ruby for +10 years) I still use Stackoverflow regularly therefore I think the survey has some relevance. I started to investigate what was happening to the Ruby community after I experienced the difference between hiring a TS vs Ruby developer for simple freelance, I got at least five responses for TS and only one for Ruby.
StackOverflow and Google searches are unlikely to be good indicators. They represent what people are looking for, ignoring what causes people to search for answers. Perhaps rails, and ruby, just have great documentation while Typescript is more difficult to onboard on?
Hi Martin thanks for you comment. I like your point, as a Ruby developer myself (been working with Ruby for +10 years) I still use Stackoverflow regularly therefore I think the survey has some relevance. I started to investigate what was happening to the Ruby community after I experienced the difference between hiring a TS vs Ruby developer for simple freelance, I got at least five responses for TS and only one for Ruby.